I admire my parents
There are many people that I admire. Among them are my parents. I admire my parents because I have learned a lot from them. They have taught me to be myself. Parents are the only people who love care about their children. Whenever I need help with something I go to my parents and ask them for help. The reason I go to them is because during their lifetime they have made more mistakes and therefore they have learned from those mistakes and have become more knowledgeable and if I could learn form their mistakes I would be a generation a head of my peers.
"Parents have always been there for us,
have taught us right from wrong,
have taught us God's word,
have taught us his song.
But you have big and generous hearts,
and you are so unselfish and giving,
you make the world a better place,
you make life itself worth living.
You were forty when I was born,
some would say past your prime,
but you gave me everything I needed:Your energy, your skills and your time."
Allen Jesson http://www.agiftofpoetry.com/